Tuesday, November 20, 2007


In the last few weeks I've had an almost unhealthy obsession with saxophones. Listening to them, shopping for them, reading about them, studying harmonics and tone production, etc. In fact, the main reason it has been over a week since my last post is that I've spent so much time in sax world. I have no idea where it started. I'm kind of worried as to where it will end. Since coming to college 5 1/2 years ago, I have probably played my saxophone fewer times than I can count on two hands. In high school, I practiced on average 1-2 hrs. every day for three years and studied with Dr. James Ator in Fort Wayne, IN. While I do not in any way regret where I am now in studying optometry, at times I do wish I would have stayed with my horn in undergrad. But alas, I can't change where I've been, I can only determine where I go from here (with God's grace). I have pulled the horn out, conditioned the pads, checked the condition of my mouthpiece and reeds, and have it ready to go. Much to my excitement, by 11 year old brother has chosen to play the saxophone as well, so now I have extra motivation to play myself and teach some things to him.

I play a Yanagisawa A991: http://www.wwbw.com/Product/ZoomImage.aspx?img=Yanagisawa/50540.jpg

I have been itching to buy a S991: http://www.wwbw.com/Product/ZoomImage.aspx?img=Yanagisawa/yang.jpg

or the curvy model: http://www.wwbw.com/Product/ZoomImage.aspx?img=Yanagisawa/102935.jpg

Some saxophones that I will NEVER even dream of buying:
The soprillo sax: http://www.eppelsheim.com/soprillo.php?lang=en
The subcontrabass saxophone: http://www.eppelsheim.com/tubax_bb.php?lang=en

Here are some of my favorite sax players:
Charlie Parker (alto)
Paul Desmond (alto)
Cannonball Adderly (alto)
Art Pepper (alto)
Michael Brecker (tenor)
John Coltrane (tenor)
Todd Williams (tenor)

Speaking of Brecker, here is an absolutely amazing video of him with Bobby McFerrin (THE jazz "beatbox"...did The Cosby Show season 4 opening theme): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7LYXdNW7uYI

Well, I hope that I've at least piqued your interest in jazz a little...if not, at least I'm feeding my obsession!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I didn't know you played the sax. Very interesting.